
Amazon "broke" the Internet

It didn't quite break the Internet, but a 4-hour outage at Amazon's AWS cloud computing division caused headaches for hundreds of thousands of websites across the United States.

Little known to consumers familiar with Amazon's online shopping site, Amazon Web Services is a giant provider of the back-end of the Internet. For sites like Netflix, Spotify, Pinterest and Buzzfeed, as well as tens of thousands of smaller sites, it provides cloud-based storage and web services for companies so they don’t have to build their own server farms, allowing them to rapidly deploy computing power without having to invest in infrastructure, as USA Today reports. 

"This is a pretty big outage," said Dave Bartoletti, a cloud analyst with Forrester. "AWS had not had a lot of outages and when they happen, they're famous. People still talk about the one in September of 2015 that lasted five hours," he said.

The S3 system is used by 148,213 sites according to market research firm SimilarTech. It has "north of three to four trillion pieces of data stored in it," Bartoletti said. Κάνοντας Like στο Facebook ενημερώνεστε άμεσα για τα νέα άρθρα -->
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